Unlocking Your Potential in the Face of Uncertainty: Rise Above the Unknown

Life throws unexpected challenges at us. Uncertainty is a constant companion, and it can leave us feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and lost. So, how can we deal with uncertainty and navigate through the unpredictable twists and turns that life presents?

Challenges come with a lot of uncertainty. Whether it's related to personal circumstances, global events, or other aspects of life, uncertainty can often lead to anxiety and stress. The following guide is meant to help you navigate uncertainty with confidence and find peace and resilience in the face of the unknown. We also got to do a mini Q&A with one of South Africa's entrepreneurs, Lehubedu Mohlabe, from Centurion, Gauteng who overcame the challenges of unemployment by starting his own Coffee to Car business. His story might be motivation for those who are uncertain about the future or are experiencing depression and anxiety due to the high rate of unemployment. 

Step 1: Understanding Uncertainty

Uncertainty is an inherent part of life, and it is important to recognize that everyone experiences it at various points. It can arise from changes in personal relationships, financial situations, career paths, or even societal issues. By acknowledging that uncertainty is a natural and common occurrence, we can begin to approach it with a more positive mindset. 

Step 2: Embracing Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for managing uncertainty. By practicing mindfulness, we can learn to be present in the moment and accept our thoughts and emotions without judgment. Practicing mindfulness allows us to cultivate a sense of calmness and clarity, even in the face of uncertainty and fear of the future. Consider including meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful journaling in your daily routine. 

Step 3: Building a Support Network

When we find ourselves in challenging situations it's important to have a strong support network that can make a difference in our ability to cope. Surround yourself with people who will give you emotional support, who will be understanding, and who encourage you to do better. Do not be afraid to reach out to friends, family members, or support groups who can offer guidance and lend a listening ear when it's needed. You do not have to face it all alone. 

Step 4: Developing Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to challenging circumstances. Cultivating resilience can empower you to navigate uncertainty with greater ease. Below are strategies that will help you develop resilience.

  • Self-care: Prioritize self-care activities that nurture physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Do exercises, maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and make time for activities you enjoy.
  • Positive reframing: Reframe your perspective by focusing on the opportunities that uncertainty presents rather than dwelling on the potential negatives. Embrace the chance for personal growth, learning, and new experiences.
  • Setting realistic goals: Break down your goals into smaller segments that are manageable. By setting achievable objectives, you can maintain a sense of progress and accomplishment, even when faced with uncertainty. 
  • Adapting to change: Know that change is inevitable and embrace it as an opportunity for growth. Develop flexibility and a willingness to adapt your plans as circumstances evolve. 
  • Seeking professional help: If uncertainty becomes overwhelming or begins to significantly impact your well-being, don't hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional. They can provide helpful techniques and guidance that can assist you during difficult times.
Step 5: Practice Self-Compassion
In times of uncertainty, it is important to practice self-compassion. Be understanding, forgiving, and kind to yourself. Acknowledge that uncertainty can be challenging, and it's okay to be overwhelmed and anxious. Be patient with yourself and remember that you are trying your best.

We got to do a Q&A with one of South Africa's entrepreneurs and it would make sense that he also went through challenges and maybe a period of uncertainty before he started his business. His responses can be motivation to those that are going through difficult times and do not know where to start. 

Can you tell us about your background and how you got into entrepreneurship?

I studied Tourism Management at Tshwane University of Technology in Nelspruit. So I later became an all-rounder in the travel industry meaning I had experience in different parts of the travel industry. And my longest career was with Comair Ltd. We parted ways in 2019 and because of the extensive experience I have in the industry, I thought I'd get a job soon. In 2020 COVID-19 hit and my industry crumbled down so my age was becoming a problem. I somehow knew that it will be very difficult to get a job so I started taking on any job I could get to keep going. I got a job at a warehouse in Isando and I'd work from 06:00 to 18:00. One day while I was at work I was having biscuits and I needed something to drink them with and I went to a place where I can buy the coffee and that whole exercise cost me 25 minutes, I risked being late. So I asked myself, what if there was a guy serving coffee at the traffic lights who can save us some time. And that is how the idea came about. My wife and I polished the idea so that I could start operating at the traffic lights and that is how Coffee to Car was started. 

What inspired you to start your business, and what was the initial idea behind it?

I wanted to change the way South Africans access coffee. The frustration of being unemployed, I quickly noticed that I had to do something out of the ordinary to find a gap and close it. I was ready to show the world I'm capable of getting myself out of the depressing pool of unemployment by literally opening my own business and hiring myself. I had my time to go through all my emotions and I just stopped complaining and JUST DID IT. 

How do you stay motivated and focused on your goals as an entrepreneur?

I'm motivated by the fact that I can actually create employment and I can help get those who were spit by the system and give them a chance to put bread on the table. 

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out as an entrepreneur?

I would tell them that "if you do nothing, nothing is going to happen." 
Just start.
Just get up, get dressed, and show up (consistency). 

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of life, but with the right strategies, and mindset, we can navigate it successfully and achieve our goals. Lehubedu's story is motivating and shows us that it is possible to fight through those challenges and periods of uncertainty. 
The above-mentioned strategies and techniques can help you strength and overcome challenges.