Cracking the Code: How to Turn YouTube into a Career

Unlock the secrets of YouTube success: Cracking the code to transform your career. Learn strategies for turning YouTube into your dream job. 

In today's digital age, the popularity of online platforms has skyrocketed, creating new opportunities for individuals to pursue their passions and turn them into their dream careers. One of the platforms that give people such opportunities is YouTube which has changed the way people consume and create content. With its massive user base and global reach, this platform has become an attractive avenue for aspiring content creators to showcase their talent and creativity, build an audience and potentially monetize their efforts. This post will explore the world of YouTube as a career and we also got an opportunity to do a Q&A with one of South Africa's talented creators Clantis Dumakude, who shared some guidelines and tips on how to make it on YouTube. 

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Why choose YouTube as a career?

  • Creative Freedom and Expression:
YouTube provides a unique platform for individuals to express themselves and their creativity freely. Whether you're passionate about comedy, fashion & beauty, technology, or any other niche, YouTube allows you to showcase your skills and connect with an audience that shares similar interests. YouTube is a platform that allows content creators to be their own bosses, giving them the freedom to create content that their audience will resonate with.
  • Global Reach and Influence:
YouTube gives content creators an opportunity to connect with viewers from every corner of the world. This global exposure not only allows creators to share their unique perspectives and stories but also enables them to have a meaningful impact on people's lives. 
  • Monetization Opportunities:
While creativity and passion are often the driving forces behind starting a YouTube channel, it's worth mentioning that YouTube can also be a viable source of income. There are different monetization options, such as ads, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and channel memberships. As your channel grows and attracts an audience, you can start earning revenue from these avenues. It might take time and dedication until it reaches a level where it becomes a full-time income source. It is possible for someone who is willing to put in the effort.
  • Career Diversification:
One of the advantages of pursuing YouTube as a career is the opportunity for diversification. Content creators are not limited to a single revenue stream or content format. You can explore different avenues to expand your brand and income potential. There is podcasting, live streaming, writing a book, or even launching your own product line. YouTube gives creators an opportunity to build personal brands and extend beyond the platform itself. 
  • Community Building and Engagement
YouTube fosters a sense of community among content creators and their audience. Through opportunities comment sections, social media interactions, and live chats, creators can engage with their viewers on a personal level. Building a loyal and engaged community not only enhances the overall YouTube experience but also opens doors for collaboration opportunities, partnerships, and networking with like-minded individuals. The feedback received from the community can be a great source of motivation for content creators on their journey to success. 

Challenges and Considerations

While YouTube offers various opportunities, it's essential to acknowledge the challenges that come along with building a successful career on the platform. Here are a few things to consider if you're an aspiring YouTube content creator:
  1. Consistency and Persistence: Building a successful YouTube career require you to be consistent and persistent. The platform is very competitive, and standing out among the millions of videos uploaded daily can be challenging. Develop a content schedule and stick to it. Your audience should know when to expect a video from you. Persistence is key and it takes time to build an audience and gain subscribers. 
  2. Quality and Originality: To be successful on YouTube creators need to create high-quality and original content. The platform rewards creativity, and uniqueness, and provides value to the viewers. It is important to find a niche and develop a unique style, and offer something that sets you apart from the rest. 
  3. Adapting to Algorithm Changes: YouTube's algorithm is constantly evolving, and content creators must adapt to these changes. Staying informed about algorithm updates, trends, and best practices is crucial to ensure your content remains relevant and continues to gain visibility. 
  4. Emotional Resilience: Creating content on YouTube exposes you to public scrutiny and criticism. It's important to develop emotional resilience and not let negative comments discourage you. Constructive feedback can be valuable for personal growth, but it's equally important to filter out toxic comments and focus on positive interactions with your audience.
Below is a Q&A done by Clantis Dumakude and hopefully his responses/answers will help you get started on your YouTube journey.

Can you tell us about your background and what inspired you to be a YouTube creator? 

So, my name is Clantis Dumakude. I am originally from KwaZulu-Natal, but moved to Jo'burg as a younger. I did most of my schooling in Johannesburg. I am currently an administrator and I also do research work for political party (which can't be mentioned). 
I am inspired by intelligence. I find intelligent people fascinating, and challenging which inspires me to be like them, and strive to always think before anything. 
Therefore, starting a YouTube channel came as a result of me being inspired by the intelligence because the work I do on my channel requires a huge level of smartness as there is research involved.
I also became a YouTube Creator because of the level of unemployment among young people, yet most of them have smartphones. I believe that if you have a smartphone, you are in business, you just have to find how you can make money online using your smartphone. 
I then decided to make young people aware that YouTube may be the alternative to unemployment, provided that they know what you will post on the platform. 

How important is it to define your niche or target audience for your YouTube channel, and how can one go about doing that effectively?

The importance of defining your niche is a must because on YouTube it is easier to grow and make money when you do one specific niche. If your niche is about vlogging, then ensure that your channel is known as a vlog channel and it also trains the YouTube Algorithm on what your channel is about.
It becomes a little difficult it your channel is jack of all trades to grow on YouTube. Perhaps for the first six months as a new YouTuber, you may delve into different topics until one of the topics makes a breakthrough, and when that topic breaks through, then it is smart to turn that topic into a niche. 
A niche is an interest of people because people come onto YouTube for a variety of reasons, either to learn something [how to] or to get inspired [motivation] or to get entertained [skits/vlogs/gossip/dance challenges] or make money [finance/business content]. So, as a YouTuber, you must know where do you fall so people that are interested in the niche you do come over and subscribe to your channel.

The importance of engaging with your audience and building a strong community?

As a creator, you must have it in the back of your mind that when a person clicks and watches your content, it is their time and money that they used. The least that you can do is give their comments a💗and a like. People feel seen and appreciated when someone they like watching, probably even subscribed to sees them. 
However, I prefer to engage with my audience by writing back and having a conversation because responding to comments is another form of getting the YouTube Algorithm triggered to promote your videos to more people. I do not think that many people knew that the comment section helps a lot with the algorithm.
When you respond to your audience, you also build yourself a loyal community that develops strong feelings for you, and they are the first people to click and watch your video the moment you post. Again, the algorithm looks at the first 30 minutes of all videos posted on YouTube and how they perform in order to promote the video to more people or kill the video. So, your YouTube community plays a pivotal role in your video's first 30 minutes, and that is why engaging your audience is imperative.
And never forget to ask them to click the LIKE button.

What monetization methods are available on YouTube, and how can creators maximize their earnings from their channel?

On YouTube, in order to get monetized, there are two of three requirements.

 Firstly, you will have to grow your channel to 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time within 365 days. The other way which is the most recent is to grow your channel to 1000 subscribers and 10 million Shorts public views within 90 days.

 So, say that you started your channel, you consistently posted videos on your channel, and managed to achieve the two requirements. Your next step is to create a Google Adsense Account, associate your Google Adsense account, and apply for monetization.

 The moment YouTube receives your monetization application, they (YT) will review your channel to check that your channel does not have copyright strikes and community guidelines strikes and that your videos have not violated other YouTube rules. 

 The second thing that they will look at is your Google Adsense account to see that it is compliant with Google Adsense rules like not having more than one Google Adsense account and other YouTube Partner Program terms.

 Probably after a few days or weeks, sometimes a month, YouTube will then send you an email either congratulating you for successfully becoming YouTube Partner and can start placing ads along your videos.

If your Google Adsense account did not meet the Adsense terms or your videos are inappropriate for YouTube to accept you into the YouTube Partner Program, then they will send you an email of rejection. This does not mean that you are now banned from applying again (after 30 days currently but as of the 5th of June, you will have to wait 90 days before reapplying for monetization after getting rejected the first time).

 When ads start playing on your videos, that means your channel is monetized and you will be making money from the ads people watch on your videos.

 It must be understood that YouTube takes 45% of the ad revenue and you as a YouTuber remain with 55% of the ad revenue.

 There are other ways to make money on YouTube, once your channel is monetized,  you can turn on all your Supers, that is Super Chats and Super Snickers when you go Live, people can send you money.

 In your videos, the most recent and effective Supers is the Super Thanks where people can pay you for a job well done.

 Creating merchandise and selling it on your channel is another way to make money on YouTube

If you create YouTube Shorts,  as of February 2023, YouTube started monetizing YouTube Shorts, and YouTubers are making money from Shorts.

Outside of YouTube, there are sponsorships. You can either reach out to brands or brands will approach you and offer you money to collaborate with them on whatever product or services they will want you to promote for them. Sponsorships tend to pay a lot, depending also on how you are confident about your worth.

If you are lucky by having a fast-growing channel, you can either host how-to-grow on YouTube workshops/masterclasses or do one on one consultations and charge money for your knowledge. The other way of making money on YouTube is an affiliate marketing program where you promote a product for someone else and get a commission. Getting an affiliate link is important for every YouTuber to have because, in the long run, the affiliate link will start generating 10s of thousands of dollars as your channel grows.

How do you stay motivated and what advice would you give to someone who is just starting? 

Content creation is not easy, especially on YouTube and you can get easily demotivated to continue creating. 
However, for me, I am kept motivated when I remember why I started a YouTube Channel, to help unemployed young people be aware that there is YouTube as an alternative to waiting for a job interview. Why I want people to avoid the unemployment line by making money on YouTube and possibly becoming their own bosses. 
My advice is, never to forget why you started a YouTube Channel, and always remember that YouTube can change your life for the better in the most drastic way, provided that you are consistent. Content is King and Consistency is Queen on YouTube, respect them both and you will see how amazing your life will change. 
Lastly, in the beginning of your YouTube journey is scary and cringy to say the least. But with each upload the better you are going to get. It is important to go through all the "aaas" and "uhms" and tongue knots, because they allow you to find your feet.

It is possible to turn YouTube into a career. By remaining consistent and having a positive mindset you can definitely achieve your goals. And remember when you're embarking on a journey like this one, it is important to take care of your mental health.