How to stop procrastinating:

What is procrastination?

Ever felt the need or the urge to do something but you just don’t feel like it? You come up with an excuse or two just to avoid doing it. Sometimes you just don’t want to do it until you realize that you don’t have any time left anymore. That is procrastination. A very bad habit I tell you. Important things always come last and we always regret making that decision, living us with a lot of panic and anxiety.

Signs of a procrastinator:

·         Delaying things.

·         Slacking.

·         Social Media comes first.

·         Postponing.

·         Always find a way to put things off and focus on other things.

Procrastination is honestly something that could delay your life in the worst way possible. It’s a habit that one needs to work on in order to see positive results. Below are a few tips that can be followed to stop procrastination. Whether you’re a student, an employer/employee, or a business owner these might work for you.

1.       Don’t do everything at once. Organize your work or duties into small segments:

We often find ourselves overwhelmed by the amount of work that we have to do. And sometimes we don’t even know where to start. Breaking everything down into smaller pieces makes everything easier and also gives us time to work thoroughly on what we’re doing. For example, if you’re working on an academic essay you would start working on your introduction first, the body second, and the conclusion last depending on the format of the task. With each segment being done on a particular day or time. Write everything down on a list and mark everything down as you proceed to the next step.

2.       Create your own timeline:

Create a timeline of when everything should be done and try by all means to meet those deadlines. And remember discipline is the key to getting everything done right on time. Estimate how long it will take you to get something done and take it from there. Know exactly how many hours and days you’re going to spend on a task. Also, reward yourself when you get something done this way you’ll be motivated to continue.

3.       Change your work environment regularly:

Find a peaceful place that you enjoy working in. As soon as you start getting de-motivated then change it to another perfect spot. It’s always great to switch between places and you’ll always have that one favorite spot.

4.       Take breaks:

Take those breaks in between work. Take a walk, grab something to eat, and drink water. This way you won’t get tired easily and you can actually get a lot done. If you’re feeling tired or de-motivated then you know that break is needed. Do not overwork yourself. Just don’t make them long. 3-5 minutes is more than enough. Long breaks will result in you neglecting your work and forgetting why you even started.

5.       Surround yourself with positive people:

Find yourself a friend that will constantly motivate you and help you stay positive. Negativity will only make things worse resulting in you not achieving anything. So, it is important to be conscious of your surroundings. If possible surround yourself with people who share the same goals as you.

6.       Reward yourself for those accomplishments:

Celebrate yourself whether it’s something big or small. Buy yourself a chocolate or take yourself out for a treat. That self-motivation is a need. You deserve it.

Fighting bad habits is never easy. Take your time and be patient with yourself. It’s not something you’re going to overcome overnight. But starting gets you a step closer to achieving your goals.