Are we ever going to achieve our goals?

I sometimes feel like going to varsity was just a waste of time. Most of us have that dream of furthering our studies and following a career path that we’ll most enjoy. But we do not consider the reality and statistics of unemployment. We always think it’s a smooth ride and we’re going to end up in those big companies, with fat pay cheques and a beautiful life. I wish someone had told me that it’s not how it works. I wish someone had told me to plan and strategize my future wisely. This is not where I had planned to be in my late 20s.

Things seem to be working out for my peers around me and those I went to varsity with. Working, beautiful apartments, beautiful cars you name it. And I’m just here wondering if we did the same course or if they maybe changed something somewhere along the way. I sometimes feel like maybe I was meant to cheer people on and watch them live their lives. Yap, maybe that’s what I’ve been doing since I graduated. Trust me, I am happy for everyone and wish them nothing but the best and I so wish that things could also work out for me. Sometimes people don’t even understand what you’re going through and they judge you for being lazy, not doing anything with your life, waiting for things to come easy, etc. We’re trying! You start your own small business but it also doesn’t seem to have a future just like you. What do you then do?

At some point, we have to stand on our own and we can’t always fall back on our parents. Sometimes you feel discouraged to continue submitting those resumes. Those walks that you take to put your mind at ease don’t even work for you anymore because all you think about is your future and how stagnant your life is. You just don’t enjoy anything anymore. It’s really hard!

Unemployment is honestly just another form of torture that no one openly speaks about. Having to wake up in the morning and drag yourself throughout the day because you have nothing to do, no hope whatsoever. You just want the day to be over so that you can go back to bed again and follow the same routine again the next morning. I sometimes feel like my 20s are just a waste of time. It even gets to a point where you start isolating yourself from everyone and everything, losing interest in things that once made you happy and you don’t even have the motivation to come up with new ideas that will get your mind off things. I am an advocate for positivity and a healthy lifestyle but sometimes I feel like I just can’t do it anymore. I just want to give up and just watch everyone LIVE!

I believe that every course and degree can get you a job. I’ve never been one to believe that certain courses and degrees are not relevant. All degrees carry the same value it’s just unfortunate that some job positions already have people assigned to them. Something that has been going on for a very long time. Do not listen to anyone telling you that the course or degree that you’re doing will not get you a job. Do it anyway.

It really hasn’t been easy. Receiving rejection letters almost every day of your life can be draining and discouraging. I wish someone had told me to:

·         To plan and strategize wisely while I’m still in Grade 12.

·         Start something of my own while I was still in varsity.

·         Not to have high hopes for the future because it leads to disappointment.

I so wish the government and private companies could give everyone an opportunity to prove themselves. There are a lot of individuals who are sitting at home with so much potential and skills that could add value. They shouldn’t be scared to teach people because they are always willing to learn. Experience shouldn’t be the reason the unemployment rate is so high. We all deserve to be given a chance. Not everyone has the capital or resources to start their own thing.

My heart goes out to those whose families depend on them to change their lives. It’s not that they're lazy, they do not have anything or anyone to fall back on. The one thing we can do is to soldier on and fight through the struggle. Hopefully, one-day things will work out. If you do have the resources and capital don’t be scared to start your own business. Do it and see where it takes you. It’s something that also takes time and requires a lot of patience. Do it while you’re job hunting maybe you might not have to look for a job anymore.

To those that have their lives together:

·         Be kind.

·         Help others where you can.

·         Do not judge others because you don’t really know what they’re going through.

·         Telling someone that they're lazy doesn’t help.

·         If there is a job opening at your workplace/business share that opportunity with others.

·         Never ask someone why they’re not working or don’t have a business.

Wishing everyone who’s job hunting or starting something of their own nothing but the best. Let’s continue to soldier on and fight unemployment. Giving up is definitely not an option even though it sometimes feels like a great idea. Do consider applying for online remote jobs which are also good for experience. In all that you do, try not to think a lot about your age and where you’re supposed to be. Lastly, take good care of your mental health.