How to survive University as a first year student.

When preparing to go to University you go through so many emotions. Excitement, anxiety, and a little bit of sadness since you'll be far from home. It's all normal but I promise you'll get used to it. During Orientation week you get to meet a lot of people, some you'll only see for that particular week and never see again for the rest of the year. Yeap, it happens. Below are a few tips you can follow to survive University socially and academically. I wish I knew some of these things before I even set foot on campus.


  • Not everyone you meet during O-week (a week where first years get to familiarize themselves with campus dynamics etc.) will be there. Get used to the idea of doing things alone. If possible avoid being in what we call a "squad". Sometimes you'll feel the need to be alone and none of your friends will understand where you're coming from with all that and will therefore think you're isolating yourself from them. It will all depend on the kind of people that they are.
  • Avoid being in a fling during O-week. You're probably never going to see him/her again. Rather focus on familiarizing yourself with the new environment.
  • Do not be scared to go out, unwind and do all the things that you enjoy. It will help you keep track of your mental health. 
  • As time goes on you might realize that not everyone is kind. It might make you feel underwhelmed but do not think about it a lot. Continue being a good person anyway. 
  • Avoid someone/people who are friends with everyone. It won't end well and it might ruin your University experience.
  • Feel free to visit the counseling center/psychologist. It's normal and it helps.
  • Participate in activities that have nothing to do with academics. Sports, events, etc. 
  • Make sure you choose the right course. Don't just go for anything because you're avoiding staying at home or not doing anything with your life.
  • Make sure you attend all your lectures.
  • Don't be scared to ask questions. 
  • Study groups can be very helpful but if you prefer doing things alone then go for it. 
  • Tutorials are very important at University. If you're an introvert and you're scared to ask questions during a lecture then your tutorial sessions will come in handy. 
  • Have a flexible schedule and do take breaks in between. Avoid visiting friends during your study breaks. You'll end up not doing anything. Rather make time for them on another day. 
  • Find suitable spots that are conducive to studying and doing school work. Change them regularly to avoid being bored. 
  • Do ask for help from others. You do not have to know everything. 
  • Remember what you came to University for.

As time goes on you might start feeling overwhelmed by everything and I'm talking academics, social life, etc. You'll feel like packing your bags and going back home because everything is just too much. University is not for the faint-hearted. And it's okay not to be friends with everyone. You're certainly going to come across those people who just want to make your life hell. That's when you'll need to develop a thick skin and stand firm. You certainly do not want to suffer from anxiety and depression in the first few months of being in University. If it was possible to stay behind closed doors 24/7 I'd say do it. That's how deep it can get. But we all have different characters and it might be a different experience for you.

It is also important to take good care of yourself and make sure that you're always safe. Even though there is security on most campuses you always have to be sure. Be vigilant and responsible. It is also important that you do some research on the institute that you're planning to go to. Just so you know what you can expect. If you know people from that particular institution that you plan on going to, do your research through them. You're probably not going to find "the perfect" institution so you might want to focus more on their academic reviews and their reputation.  

It can definitely be a great experience if you go there prepared both mentally and emotionally. It does not have to be a horrible experience. Make memories, dress up,  choose friends wisely, and most importantly do not forget what you went there for. Go ahead and bag those degrees.